Senin, 25 Mei 2009

When all the tears have dried

I trusted every morning sun that taught me how to rise
To stretch beyond the darkest nights and reach the open skies
Perhaps I shouldn't trust so much,
Should learn to close my eyes.
The sun still sets on wooden bars
The bird that never flies.

But if I turn away from what I've started
Then will I always wish that I had tried
By breaking free will I be broken-hearted
What will I see when all the tears have dried.

I know how much it means to him,
It means the same to me.
But if I keep him from his dreams,
What will the ending be?
Perhaps it's time to step aside and lose my only chance
It's always men who play the tune
while girls can only dance.

But if I turn away from what I've started
Then will I always wish that I had tried
By breaking free will I be broken-hearted
What will I see when all the tears have dried.

Is this the price i have to pay for winning
I never thought that i could hurt his pride
This shouldn't be an end but my beginning
What will i see when all the tears have dried

But if I turn away from what I've started
Then will I always wish that I had tried
By breaking free will I be broken-hearted
What will I see when all the tears have dried

Jumat, 22 Mei 2009

Quality Time

Wah curang nih si cerita sedih, mentang2 dapet ijin untuk eksis, dia jadi nampang mulu di beberapa postingan terakhir. heheh.. Kali ini kita ga usah sedih2an lagi deh, tapi jangan juga terlalu senag agar tak jadi besar kepala nantinya.

Ternyata bulan ini banyak sekali cerita, tapi maaf untuk tidak men-share semuanya disini. Yang pasti sepertinya kami butuh Quality Time buat diri kita sendiri. Setelah memutuskan untuk melepaskan masa lajangnya, ups salah, melepaskan masa kerja kantorannya, dia berencana akan pergi sejenak ke Jogja-Bali. Sementara aku yang tidak bisa lepas dari cengkraman Jakarta, akan punya acara sendiri bersama teman-temanku.

Sometimes, even lover need takes time to their own.

Trimakasih sangat untuk keluarga dan sahabat yang selalu ada. Angkat topi untuk kalian semua

Minggu, 17 Mei 2009

Dan Akhirnya

Dan akhirnya hujanpun turun juga.
Langit lelah untuk menampung air di awannya.

Jalanan kita sedang banyak persimpangannya.
Ga jarang kita memilih persimpangan yang berbeda.

Apakah kita akan bertemu lagi di ujung jalan?
Atau asik menikmati perjalanan masing2?

Only God Know